DHI Hair Transplant istanbul

DHI Hair Transplant

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a modern hair transplant technique similar to Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), but with some key differences in the implantation process. DHI is a specialized method that involves the use of a Choi Implanter Pen, a tool designed to simultaneously extract and implant hair follicles directly into the recipient area of the scalp.

Here’s an overview of how a DHI hair transplant typically works:

  1. Consultation: As with any hair transplant procedure, the process usually begins with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient’s hair loss pattern, discusses their goals, and determines their suitability for DHI.

  2. Preparation: On the day of the procedure, the patient’s scalp is prepared by trimming the donor area (typically the back and sides of the scalp) and administering local anesthesia to numb both the donor and recipient areas.

  3. Extraction: Using a specialized tool called a micromotor punch, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area. Unlike traditional FUE, which involves manually creating recipient sites before implantation, DHI uses the Choi Implanter Pen to simultaneously extract and implant the follicles directly into the recipient area.

  4. Implantation: The Choi Implanter Pen, which has a hollow needle at its tip, is used to create small incisions in the recipient area and simultaneously implant the extracted hair follicles into these incisions. This process allows for precise control over the depth, angle, and direction of hair placement, resulting in a natural-looking hairline and overall hair density.

  5. Post-operative care: After the procedure, patients are provided with post-operative instructions, including how to care for the transplanted area, medications to prevent infection or inflammation, and when to follow up with the surgeon for a post-operative evaluation.

  6. Recovery and results: As with other hair transplant procedures, the transplanted hairs will shed within a few weeks after the procedure, but new hair growth should start to become visible within a few months. It may take up to 12-18 months to see the full results of the DHI hair transplant, as the transplanted hairs gradually grow and blend in with the existing hair.

DHI hair transplantation is known for its ability to achieve natural-looking results with minimal trauma to the scalp, as well as its precise control over the implantation process. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, which should be discussed with the surgeon during the consultation process.

Fue Hair Transplant İstanbul
Fue Hair Transplant İstanbul

Opening Hours

  • Mon - Fri
    9.00 to 18.00
  • Saturday
    9.00 to 16.00
  • Sunday
    Closed- Only Web

Company Profile

Founded in 2018 in Istanbul and led by Mehmet Taş and Aycan Işık Taş, LS Clinic is a health institution operating in the fields of aesthetic dentistry, hair transplantation,Eye Care Service and aesthetic surgery
